Edit your videos on Windows, Mac, or even using your phone. And the best part? All without losing quality.
We have default sizes that fit all the popular social media platforms ready for you. This means that you need to know the details for each platform’s size restrictions.
The tool is designed to make the editing experience a breeze even for beginners. You don’t need any special video editing skills to resize your video — Lumen5 does the hard work for you.
The resize video tool works with MP4, AVI, MOV, VOB, and any other file formats you might have.
You don’t have to worry about someone else having access to your files — our software has super-secure encryption.
Using a video resizer online means that you will not have to install or download anything to your device. This makes the process fast and safe.
Besides you, no one will ever have access to the files that you upload to the software. Your account is highly protected.
Customize size or choose a dimension from the suggested options
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Upload the file you wish to resize from your desktop, mobile, Google Drive, or Dropbox. You can also add a link to a YouTube video. Files up to 500 MB are completely free.
Once your video is uploaded, you can select the ideal dimension preset. You can also make zoom and crop adjustments. Then specify the best format for the output file.
If you’re happy with the result after watching the preview, your video is ready to be saved. To do that you just need to click the download button. If you prefer, you can also save it back to Dropbox or Google Drive.
World-class video marketing content. Made in minutes. No video editing skills required. Sign up for free today to grow your brand.
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Join 800,000+ companies that are using Lumen5 to tell their stories.
Lumen5 is a video creation software that helps marketers, publishers, and brands create video content in a breeze, without any technical expertise.
Lumen5 combines powerful A.I. with a simple drag-and-drop interface to help you create professional video content in minutes.